APOR - Approved Orders

APIs For This Group

CALAPOR - Calculate Approved Order Totals

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'               3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDPON          'Purchase Order Number'      10A
BOTH    ACTUREG        'PO Regular Price'            9 0
BOTH    ACTUNET        'PO Net Cost'                 9 0
BOTH    ACTWGHT        'PO Weight'                   9 0
BOTH    ACTUVOL        'PO Volume'                   9 0
BOTH    ACTUPQT        'PO Purchase Increment'       9 0
BOTH    ACTUOTH        'PO Other Costs'              9 0
BOTH    ACTUUN7        'PO Unit 7'                   9 0
BOTH    ACTUUN8        'PO Unit 8'                   9 0
BOTH    ACTUUN9        'PO Unit 9'                   9 0
BOTH    ADJTUP         'Dollars Adjustment UP'      11 0
BOTH    ADJTDOWN       'Dollars Adjustment Down'    11 0
BOTH    POTYP01        'TEXT 1'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP02        'TEXT 2'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP03        'TEXT 3'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP04        'TEXT 4'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP05        'TEXT 5'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP06        'TEXT 6'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP07        'TEXT 7'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP08        'TEXT 8'                     10A
BOTH    POTYP09        'TEXT 9'                     10A

IGNAPOR - Ignore/Unignore PO

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'               3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDBUYR         'Buyer  ID'                   5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'Supplier  ID'               10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'Sub Supplier ID'            10A
BOTH    IDPON          'Purchase Order Number'      10A

BLDAPOR - Build Log for any given PO

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'               3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDBUYR         'Buyer  ID'                   5A
BOTH    IDPON          'Purchase Order Number'      10A

TOTAPOR - PO Totals With Filters

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'                3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDPON          'Purchase Order Number'      10A
BOTH    SBRECEIVE      'Filter Criteria '            1A
BOTH    RVTOTPROD      'Total PO Products INTORDD'   5 0
BOTH    RVTOTRCVD      'Total Received '            11 0
BOTH    RVTOTORDR      'Total Ordered'              11 0
BOTH    RVVARIANC      'Variance %'                  5 2
BOTH    RVRCVDQTY      'Tot Quantity Received'      11 0
BOTH    RVEXPTQTY      'Tot Quantity Expected'      11 0
BOTH    RVRCVSEXP      '% Received vs Expected'      5 2 
BOTH    RVFLTRITM      'Total Filtered Items'        5 0
BOTH    RVTOTPROL      'Total PO Products PRODLTM'   5 0  

STAAPOR - PO Stats For Specific Vendor

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'               3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDBUYR         'Buyer  ID'                   5A
BOTH    IDSUPL         'Supplier  ID'               10A
BOTH    IDSUPLSUB      'Sub Supplier ID'            10A
BOTH    SBBEGIN        'From Date '                 10A
BOTH    SBENDING       'To Date '                   10A
BOTH    RVTOTAPRV      'Total Approved POs'          5 0
BOTH    RVNOTRECV      'Total POs not received'      5 0
BOTH    RVTOTRECV      'Total POs received'          5 0
BOTH    RVRCEVDOK      'Total Pos received OK'       5 0
BOTH    RVRCVLATE      'Total POs received late'     5 0
BOTH    RVRCVSHRT      'Total POs received short'    5 0
BOTH    RVRCVOVER      'Total POs over received'     5 0
BOTH    RVRCVOVSH      'Total Pos over/short recvd'  5 0
BOTH    RVADJAFTR      'Tot Pos adjust after appr.'  5 0
BOTH    RVAVGLATE      'Tot Avg. of Late POs'        4 1
BOTH    RVDOLPCTR      'Tot Dollar Percent Received' 5 2
BOTH    RVALLPORP      'Tot All POs $ Percent Rcvd'  5 2
BOTH    RVSHRDLPC      'Tot Short Percent Received'  5 2
BOTH    RVSHRTDRC      'Tot Short Dollars Received' 11 2
BOTH    RVSHRTDEX      'Tot Short Dollars Expected' 11 2
BOTH    RVOVRDLPC      'Tot Over Percent Received'   5 2
BOTH    RVOVRDLRC      'Tot Over Dollars Received'  11 2
BOTH    RVOVRDLEX      'Tot Over Dollars Expected'  11 2

ADOAPOR - Adjustments to K_INTORDL for a PO on Demand

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'               3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDPON          'Purchase Order Number'      10A

RCOAPOR - Flag PO as received in K_INTORDL for a PO on Demand

BOTH    K3SOBJ         'K3S Object Library'         10A
BOTH    COMP           'Company'                     1A
BOTH    COMPCOD        'Company Code'               3A
BOTH    USER           'User calling the program'   10
BOTH    ERRORS         'Error indicator'             1A
BOTH    ERRMSG         'Error message'             100A
BOTH    ERRFIELD       'Field in error'             20A
BOTH    IDLOCN         'Location ID'                 5A
BOTH    IDPON          'Purchase Order Number'      10A